Mysterious stones from Romania that grow and move.

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Arkadie Arkadie
Such stones are called trovants, they are located in Romania. Scientists are scratching their heads about how ordinary stones can move, much less grow. And why some stones have age “rings”.

Such stones are called trovants, they are located in Romania. Scientists are scratching their heads about how ordinary stones can move, much less grow. And why some stones have age “rings”.

The mysterious rocks can grow from a few millimeters to 10 meters. They especially grow after rain. These strange rocks manage to obtain different minerals from drops of water that help them grow. In addition, scientists have discovered that stones are able to move from one place to another.

Scientists have also confirmed that the stones consist of a solid stone core, and their outer part is made of sand, which accumulates around the stone over time and hardens. Scientists cannot say exactly why they grow and move.

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