⁣There really is an alien planet inside the Earth

42 Views • 12/11/23
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Astrophysicists have found fragments of another planet Theia inside the Earth. They lie under Africa and the Pacific Ocean.

According to their theory, the Moon was formed due to a cosmic catastrophe - the collision of the Earth and Theia 4.5 billion years ago.

Scientists, so as not to be accused of lies and empty hype, spent a long time studying two strange formations inside the earth’s mantle and crust. They were noticeably different in density from everything else.

Using various methods of analyzing the substance, as well as computer modeling, they determined their source - this is the same Theia.

Some of its fragments remained inside the Earth, and the other part flew into space - where it eventually formed our Moon.

This, by the way, proves the possibility of collisions not just of asteroids, but also of entire planets with the Earth. If this happened now, all living things would die as Theia approached, the atmosphere would simply be ripped off the Earth and the planet would be crushed so that it would be impossible to escape even in the deepest bunkers.

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