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Music of the earth and your heart#soul of the #earth #masterall #relaxing #music #youtube
Smartphone bracelet from Motorola
Gökçe Kılınçer - Sev Derim (Official Music Video)
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Путешествие в Турцию на отдых
Since 2013, Edward Snowden has claimed that the CIA is hiding information about underground cities and the civilization living in them. Allegedly, the UFO moves not only through the Earth’s atmosphere, but also along the seabed, in hydrothermal vents, volcanoes and directly in solar orbit. In addition, there is an interesting connection between the map of US cave systems and the map of the locations of missing people. What’s also interesting is that “American Horror Story” (season 10, episodes 7-10) has a similar scenario; according to this scenario, the US authorities cooperate with aliens (who live on earth), exchanging people’s lives for scientific and technological progress. By the way, the first part of the season (season 10, episodes 1-6) talks about adrenochrome tablets and vampires who, by feeding on blood, receive inspiration and unleash their creative potential, but however, this is a completely different story...
Why not a UFO?
A mechanical arm for collecting rocks on the moon.
That's magic
Срочные новости из Таиланда: в городе Лопбури, расположенном в 115 км от Бангкока, развернулась настоящая "война" между двумя обезьяньими бандами. Животные захватили город и стали создавать проблемы для местных жителей и туристов. Полиция уже сформировала специальный отряд, вооружённый транквилизаторами. Говорят, что одного из лидеров банд удалось задержать, так что в городе воцарилось спокойствие.
What a fun attraction
Judging by the reaction of the people, they never expected to see something like this in the fields outside the city.
New times require new solutions.
#Требуются #водитель #Мюнхен #Ганновер Работа на бусах Mercedes Sprinter Maxi водителем категории В в городах #Мюнхен и #Ганновер.
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