In the mid-70s of the last century, rumors spread across Perm about the unusual experiments of a certain “doctor from a mental hospital”... He allegedly successfully photographed the images that were ..
14/10/23 • 360 Views
Gennady Krokhalev - Soviet scientist who photographed thoughts
In the mid-70s of the last century, rumors spread across Perm about the unusual experiments of a certain “doctor from a mental hospital”... He allegedly successfully photographed the images that were born in the heads of patients prone to hallucinations.
This doctor's name was Gennady Krokhalev. He not only tried to prove the correctness of the hypothesis, but also declared: “Thought is material!”
He invented the “Krokhalev mask” - a device that allows you to photograph other people’s thoughts. The discovery was a real breakthrough in the world of science - the materiality of thought was proven for the first time.
Later, the doctor was declared crazy, but secret laboratories were created abr