Computers will massively increase their capabilities and develop their mathematical skills, and perhaps their creativity. Already, our smartphones are used as memory storage for daily affairs and prov..
28/02/24 • 271 Views
Computers will massively increase their capabilities and develop their mathematical skills, and perhaps their creativity. Already, our smartphones are used as memory storage for daily affairs and provide almost instant access to the world's information space.
Soon, translation from one language to another will become a common operation. The next step – as early as 2050 – could be “wiring in” additional memory or acquiring new language skills by directly connecting to the human brain.
If we can expand the capabilities of our brains with electronic implants, we might be able to upload our own thoughts and memories onto a computer.
And if current trends continue unchanged, some people alive today could achieve immortality - at least in the sense that their thoughts and memories could have a lifespan beyond the mortal coil of their bodies.